Sunday, April 25, 2010

Immigration # 3: Blog #8

This week you will need to look at these two videos and other articles (see below) about the current situation in Arizona.  The govenor of Arizona has signed a law that anyone that looks like an illegal immigrant can be approached by the police and asked to show proper paperwork (for example-license or passport or green card) in order to not be arrested or deported.  Obama has called for action in Washington D.C. for the Congress to do something about it.  What do you think of this situation?  Does this affect you personally or culturally?  How does this affect people generally and specifically?  Write in third person your views..... 

Articles found on:






Immigration #2

Immigration # 1

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Huelga....I mean STRIKE!!!!! BLOG #7

UPR has had a tough time this past school year.  Budget explosions, presidents resigning or being "fired", and now they are again preparing to strike over tution costs.  Luckily, UAA is a private institution and we have been ok through all the turmoil.  However, what if that wasn't the case.  What issues or cause(s) would cause you to strike or protest at UAA?  Here is the assignment:  In third person, write a persuasive essay about a cause or reason to hold a strike at UAA.  (By no means am I encouraging a strike, but the topic is relevant for Puerto Rico and worldwide.)  Make sure you give good details and information about why there is a need to go to the extent of holding a strike.  This assignment will be due by Monday!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

BLOG #6: Review a poem

There are four poems I have put up by Puerto Rican authors.  I want you to choose one of these poems and analyze them.  I want you then to write why this poem is important to you and why you like it.  THEN, I want you to argue your points and explain thoroughly what it is you like and give examples and descriptions.  Make a claim that the poem you choose it the best poem of the four!!!  DUE BY FRIDAY!!!!

Prof. Lignelli

Poem by Ivanna


Mami is cooking dinner 
I have to run and help. 
Run to pick some ajíes dulces, recáo 
and tomatoes también. 

Walking carefully between the guayaba tree and el limón,
I pick five beautiful red ajíes dulces,
then close to the ground, 
find two nice long recáo leaves. 

Mami chops and dices 
she adds ajo and cebollas.
And into the pilón everything goes.
Mash, mash, plop, plop, 
mash, mash, plop, plop.
She's making sofrito for an asopao.

And into the caldero everything goes.
Achiote and sofrito makes a nice sound.
sizzle and sizzle 
sizzle and sizzle
The spices sing as they dance in the pot.

That delicious aroma makes me hungry
I can hardly wait. 
In goes boiling water, 
in goes the chicken, 
then later some arroz. 
Boil, boil, boil
Um! I'm hungry now.

  By: Ivanna

Sara J. Figueroa Poem

Island Dream 
By: Sara J. Figueroa (age 14)
June 12th 2002

Like an emerald in the water 
Like a pearl in the sea 
Puerto Rico is a dream 
An Island dream 

A magical place 
Were serenading coquis 
sing Puerto Rico's lullaby 
from dusk till dawn 

The beautiful palm trees 
Greet you through the day
With their waving fronds 
Like fans in mid air 

And the cool breezes 
of the Caribbean waters 
With their splendid rolling waves 
Entice you to their waters
A refreshing vacation from reality 

Turn around to see 
the majestic mountain 
The rain forest calls your name 
The mysterious fog 
hovers over the summit 
It's the home of the God Yuquiyu

Jose de Diego Poem


José de Diego


¡Ah desgraciado si el dolor te abate,
si el cansancio tus miembros entumece!
Haz como el árbol seco: reverdece
y como el germen enterrado: late.

Resurge, alienta, grita, anda, combate,
vibra, ondula, retruena, resplandece...
Haz como el río con la lluvia: ¡crece!
Y como el mar contra la roca: ¡bate!

De la tormenta al iracundo empuje,
no has de balar, como el cordero triste,
sino rugir, como la fiera ruge.

¡Levántate!, ¡revuélvete!, ¡resiste!
Haz como el toro acorralado: ¡muge!
O como el toro que no muge: ¡embiste!

Poem by Jack Agueros

Psalm for Missing Pork Chops (2006)

The people are biting their poverty
With the gusto they used to apply
To cheap pork chops.
I know that pork chops are corrosive
And fattening and habit forming.
But Lord,
Everything is getting better for people
Who won't even notice it:
Conspicuous Consumption is emblazoned
On every store window, every automobile,
Every bank's vault, every newspaper ad. 

And me Lord,
All I want
Is to get a cheap Pork Chop
While I still have a few teeth.

Lord, I feel like praying -
Who is the Butcher Angel,
Who is the Angel of Impossible Pork Chop causes?

Sunday, April 4, 2010



Imagine that you are living next to a volcano.  Suddenly, the ground begins to shake and you hear an ominous rumbling.  Without warning the volcano blows!! To your surprise, it shoots out scoops of ice-cream in all directions!  Where did the ice-cream come from?  Why did the volcano erupt ice-cream?  Was it the result of a scientific experiment?  Write a Descriptive story/essay about the volcano that erupted ice-cream. Use interesting adjectives and specific details to make your story exciting!!!!!!   THIS IS DUE BY FRIDAY!!!