Sunday, March 14, 2010


NOW.......that you have completed the first two blogs you must choose a topic from one of the blogs posted and write an informative paragraph about the topic you choose.  Give it a title and make sure you write your name.  This is due before the end of the week....

Prof. Lignelli


  1. Today's responsibilities:

    Today's responsibilities is growing up day by day. All people have to do a lot of things to can survive and maintain a good life. The life is full of work that you have to do it the much better you can to can take progress in your life, and make your money to can survive. Responsibility is an important thing that you must have it in your mind, because this are going to prepare you to be a person with the potential to take care and control of the life. A responsible person, is a person that can take control about things in the life, and can survive the diary life, that is very strength and full of stress. All people have have to do a lot responsibilities because have to maintain a good harmony in the family and a good example for people that are around you. All days you have to do many things that are a routine, and this can be very exhausting but you have to do it because is part of today' life and responsibilities. I am a student, and I have a lot of responsibilities that are especially get good grades to can be a professional and build an excellent life.

    Aaron Pérez Lugo.

  2. Bad eating habits in our country and their consequences:

    The foundation of the diet are the diversity, the balance, the moderation and the density of the nutrient and energy. The high consumption of saturated fat, sugar and cholesterol pruduce hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular problems, diabetes and cancer. The 5 causes of death in our country are: Cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, chronic respiratory disease and diabetes. Much of people in our country eats on fast food, because this food have a good taste and it is more cheap. It's not good to be extremist, but I think that we can make a balance in the food that we consume every days, we can make any exercise like walk or run daily to prevent these disease and to have a healthy life.

    Edcel Torres Riquelme.

  3. In the last decades our society has been experimented big changes. An example of this is “the pillar of the society". Which has witnessed major structural changes such as increasing the rate of single parent families through divorce or separation. We can also find that the increment in responsibilities, a lot of time is spend in jobs ,technology. Spending a lot of time in secular activities, has caused a separation between families. Less communication has placed a cap between parents and children. The day for many people starts really busy, because everyone has to perform their responsibilities. The technology also has made both parents and children spend their time on a computer, often disconnected from the real world in which they live. It is important that the government take preventive measures and promotion for the family and the importance of unity, care and respect that must exist so that our society can have a change for good.

    Liliana Moreno Rojas

  4. In today’s society people have become so accustom to technology. Technology today is making so many people lazy that nowadays you’re witnessing adults and children suffering from obesity. We can’t blame it all on technology but, that plays a huge factor on why people are gaining so much weight in this day and age. The best example that can be given is the creation of the drive thru. It’s a very simple invention that causes people to be lazy. Instead of parking your car and walking into a fast food restaurant (like if fast food wasn’t bad enough), you would rather stay in your car and order from the drive thru. That brings up another problem. 40 years ago you would never hear about a nine year old child suffering from diabetes. But in today’s society its becoming normal and it shouldn’t be that way. We have to make a change because if we keep this path of indolence our children will suffer greatly for it.

    Jonathan Almedina

  5. In today’s society people have become so accustom to technology. Technology today is making so many people lazy that nowadays you’re witnessing adults and children suffering from obesity. We can’t blame it all on technology but, that plays a huge factor on why people are gaining so much weight in this day and age. The best example that can be given is the creation of the drive thru. It’s a very simple invention that causes people to be lazy. Instead of parking your car and walking into a fast food restaurant (like if fast food wasn’t bad enough), you would rather stay in your car and order from the drive thru. That brings up another problem. 40 years ago you would never hear about a nine year old child suffering from diabetes. But in today’s society its becoming normal and it shouldn’t be that way. We have to make a change because if we keep this path of indolence our children will suffer greatly for it.

    Jonathan Almedina

  6. Mobile Phones

    There have been many studies on the physical dangers of mobile phone use. To date, there is no evidence that mobile phones cause physical health problems such as cancer, but some researchers say more investigation needs to be done. Currently it is suggested that children and young people should limit their phone use, as children and young people could be more at risk of damage because their nervous systems are still developing. There are studies that suggest people can become addicted to their mobiles, suffering anxiety when they can't use them. Because of the dangers of having an accident it is illegal to talk on the phone, send messages, or play games when diving or riding a vehicle. Its even illegal to do it when you are at traffic lights. Hands free have been shown to be dangerous too, because the thinking involved in holding a conversation can distract you from driving.

    Elisa M. Rodriguez Rivera

  7. Parking place in P.R.
    The parking in Puerto Rico is very difficult, because everyones has to have at least one car per family. Since the youth people are 16-18 years old they want a car, so the parking lot could be hard. I think that in this country should have transportation like, buses, for the people go anywhere they need to go. If the governor put some of them in different way I'm sure that its gonna be wonderful, and if the people have this service they dont need to buy a car. Also I think that a lot of people that dont have money to buy a car because they are poor people, and thinking in that we saw more cars than people, when you go somewhere the problem is to find a parking space, you have to park far away and then walk.

    Laura N. Hernandez.

  8. The importance of bed early

    In the development of some acts of physical activity as exercise and nutrition play a role, but also others such as sleep, reach a fairly high level of importance.

    Energy recovery is an important thing during any exercise, so activities like sleeping or taking a reasonable time to relax, help the optimal development and increase the benefits of any exercise.

    According to experts the time that a person should sleep varies between six and nine hours a day trying to sleep early at night and trying to get up early in the morning because it helps regulate the body's energy to be used during the course of day. Therefore it can bring some benefits to sleep are:

    • muscle recovery.
    • Recovery of food resources.
    • Energy recovery.
    • mental recovery.
    • There is production of antibodies.
    • There is production of hormones.
    • Assimilation of exercise.
    • Assimilation of nutrients.
    • Reduces dramatically the risk of diseases like diabetes and other cardiovascular nature.

    Although there are many more benefits it can bring to sleep for good physical condition, these are the most prominent.

    He does not sleep, however you can bring disadvantages, as some processes such as muscle recovery required number of hours of sleep for it to be optimal, so some problems can not sleep to bring our physical state are:

    • Obesity.
    • Thinness.
    • Aging.
    • constant exhaustion.
    • Increases the risk of diseases such as infections, gastrointestinal disorders, cardiovascular and circulatory problems.
    • There may be loss of concentration.
    • Mood swings.

    Today has been shown to have good physical performance goes hand in hand with sleep, because during sleep your brain is a series of processes based on the enrichment of the body, we can say that in a certain way when we sleep our body functions both mentally and internally at a greater rate than if we were awake at night because the body needs to make an auto recovery, so I have here the importance of exercise every day, that night after the body makes its part and properly assimilated
    Charles M.M

  9. Comment from Charles on the essay of
    Edicel Riquelme Torres is a good essay but
    should deepen with more information
    on what should be a feeding

    Comment from Charles on the essay of
    Elisa M. Rodriguez is a good essay but now
    exixten research where they talk about the damage that hase
    cell phones for example.

    Scientists say that cell phones cause cancer
    (16.01.2201): Scientists in Germany have officially linked cell phones to cancer. It concluded that cell phone users are three times more likely to get eye cancer than the rest of the population.
    Although previously it was known that mobile phones temporarily alter the functions of brain cells, this is the first time scientists have claimed that cause permanent damage.
    According to information reported by the British newspaper Sunday Times, if the reports are confirmed by research scientists, this could make thousands of people with eye cancer to sue cell phone companies.
    As indicated, it is unclear how cell phones affect the eye, but one theory suggests that the aqueous mass located inside the eye enhances the absorption of radiation

  10. Single mothers and society

    It's called a single mother when the woman is parenting and managing the household without the support of a partner, either by choice or circumstances of their environment. There are many circumstances that could lead a woman to cope with a pregnancy without a partner.

    In most modern societies the number of single mothers has increased more than population growth. The problem falls on all levels of society and affects young and prominent wealthy families as much as the middle or low income. The problems associated with single mothers have come to the attention of many institutions such as, churches, social agencies and community agencies, which devote considerable attention now to girls who give birth outside marriage. Mostly single mothers face a number of problems and difficulties impose serious limitations on their social integration and personal development. Single mothers assume parental roles, chores, responsibilities in education and the burden of being the only source of family income. These factors pose a greater risk of low self-esteem, unemployment and social exclusion are therefore necessary to be offered more financial support, employment opportunities, housing, family support services, culture and education.

    Many people know the truth about single mothers in our society and tend to downplay their reality. This is a problem that affects everyone, because the family is the heart of society and if the home is neglected this will result in society and this in turn affects the individual who is part of it. In clearer words, this affects us all!

    Zoramis Cedeno

  11. Increasing ciolence in Puerto Rico

    The icreasing violence in Puerto Rico is a matter of concern. Every day there are reports in the news and in the newspaper about the high rate of criminality affecting the country and with every day it gets higher and higher. The causes are many, mostly because of the drug traffic around the country. But something disturbing is that the common citizens are becoming very violent and start to fight without reason. I hear of a fight once just because to guys bump into each other accidentally, others fight just because of a simple stare. To bring a real change to all this violence it got to be done from every home in this country really this is not something the police can resolve the people itself are the ones who have the power to change this.

    Angel L. Cosme

  12. I would like to say good essays to all that have written above my comment. Charles-I think that is exactly what I want for a comment. However, with maybe a little more in the comment area. In other words, good extra information, but a little more about some fixes.

    Professor Lignelli

  13. I agree with Edcel, we must make a balance in our diet habits. It is very important than we make changes in our lifestyle. It is essential to add exercise and a balance diet because both of those help to prevent diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Many studies show that in order to prevent different diseases and conditions, we must have healthy habits. I read an article that said: “physical activity is a proven form of diabetes management and is considered a cornerstone in the prevention of diabetes”. We must begin to raise awareness of the importance of good lifestyle habits and forming in us and in our children to live a better life

    I like the idea of Laura Hernandez because I think that Puerto Rico needs a better transportation system. If they improve such system, it will benefit in many positive ways to a lot of people that don’t have the resources to mobilize around the country. I think is a good way to save money in gas, less traffic, helping the environment and it will create more sources of employment. But the government need to make a good project; if not it could be a failure.

    Liliana Moreno Rojas

  14. Family Communication

    Ever since womens liberation and their inclusion into the working force, communication in the families have dimished hugely. In the old times families use to sit by the table for dinner and talk about their days either at work or at school. Parents used this precious time to listen to their children's problems, dreams, and doubts to give then the advise they needed. Nowdays moms and dads spend more time working away from home, and children using the computer and playing videogames. There's no time for a home cooked meal, and everyone eats when they want, most o the time alone. When I get married and have children I want to bring back the traditions of eating dinner together, and establish a healthy communication system with everyone in our home.

    Krystie Pineiro Andujar

  15. I, like Edcel Torres think that a healthy diet is important to keep our bodies and minds in shape. Being a nursing student I am more than clear or the damage an unbalanced diet can make to our bodies.

    I am on the same page with Zoramis Cedeno when she argues that single mothers are neglected by society and I find that very unfair. I know numerous single mothers that take care of their children efficiently and with even more love than "normal" moms.

    Krystie Pineiro Andujar

  16. 1. Edcel talk about the bad habits of eating fast food. I agree with him because people are eating food that is not healthy. This cause that the people start having a lot of disease that can cause the death. Other bad thing is that childrens have the bad habits of eating fast food, because learn from his fathers. This cause that this childrens grow up in theirs life's with high blood pressure that can be so dangerous.

    2. Angel talk about the violence I agree with him because today's life are very hard when you are outside in any place. When you are in some place sometimes you get alert about any bad person that wants to do an act of violence. People do not have the confidence of getting out with tranquility.

    Aaron Pérez Lugo.

  17. 1. ok im not quite sure what i need to do but i believe its commenting on other peoples essay and how well its written. i read a few of the essays that were posted on the blog and a lot of them were pretty good. but some of them need to be a little more careful when it comes to how u structure each sentence. i believe everyone that has written their essay has done a pretty good job. i really didn't see any miss-spelled words any papers that were in grim shape. im only going to leave one comment and that due to the fact i read everyone's and they were all pretty good. Charles .M.M great paper, just make sure that you proof read your work before handing it in. The reason why i say that is because i started reading your work and right in the beginning i saw an incomplete sentence. overall, your paper was pretty good.

    Jonathan Almedina

  18. Laura, parking and transportation is a huge problem in PR. What can we do? The Publicos and Cars have the country in a death lock without easing up a bit.

    Aaron, Your responsibilities will grow as you grow into a mature adult. Take things slow and enjoy the responsibilities you have now...

    Edcel, I need to take that advice and hit the gym and start working out again!!! Motivation....

    Liliana, what are we to do? Technology is awesome but it hurts us in many ways too!

    Prof. Lignelli

  19. Jonathan, watch out putting more than one issue in a paragraph unless it proves what you are saying it might open up a can of worms..

    Elisa, Cellphones are bad...What??? I thought they are the greatest thing in the whole wide world...Kidding...they can cause cancer and I agree many other things too.

    Charles, Like I said in the previous post to Edcel, I need to get working out...motivate!!

    Zoramis, Single mothers unfortunately are very common..Its up to us to have men become men and step this trend can end someday.

    Angel, A guy wanted me out of the place I was at because he thought I was a tourist and it was a PR only place. He wanted beef with me.??? What does violence prove??? NOthinng!!!

    Prof. Lignelli

  20. Angel L. Cosme,his comment was very good,I think that the topic of violence, although he gave some details of because there are so many violence was to raise more violence in some places where we live in which no walk tranquility, another place where there are frequently or see some kind of violence is on the road, where there is not enough light and that would be a danger. you could well say much more but I think that he intended to enphasize the more common.

    I agree with Charles M.M. because he included several components that might benefit to rest as well as the consequences which brings no rest as it is. It is important to reflect on this as we often see ever more by the work of the home, chilren, the obligations of the University, we sentenced to lose the habit of rest and only ourselves to sleep only five and a half hours at most.

    By Laura Hernandez

  21. Growing Up In A Single-Parent Family:

    With the divorce rate as high as it is, more and more children are
    growing up in single-parent families. Ideally, it is better for
    children to live with their mom and dad happily married; however,
    children who grow up in single-parent households can still be well-
    adjusted children, teenagers, and adults. Although there are always
    exceptions to every rule, for the most part, children who grow up in
    single-parent working households are more mature, realistic and
    independent. First, in a single-parent working family, children tend to be more
    mature. The children are more mature because they often have to be
    responsible for themselves. For example, if their mom or dad has to
    work late, or if they work evenings, the children are in control of
    when to do their homework or even in some cases when to go to bed.
    Also, children in this environment or situation sometimes have to be
    responsible for taking care of their brother, sister or other close

    By Lesnir G. Felix Rodriguez

  22. agree with Elisa M. Rodriguez Rivera 50% , Is true that cellphones can be dangerous because can cause diseases and if you use it hand free on the road you can cause and accident. But thanks to cellphone we can talk with ours families in other countries or far away.

    2. I like Charles M. essay is very important to sleep weel to rest our body and brain. I think is perfect you give a lot of imformation god essay.
    Lesnir G. Felix Rodriguez

  23. Edcel Torresis correct, but he forgot the water important. The water is crucial for your brain cells and every organ in your body (including your skin) to work properly. For your body to burn fat, it needs at least eight glasses of pure water daily. Water not only satisfies your thirst, it reduces hunger and flushes out toxins. Liquids such as soda and coffee actually deplete your body of water. Do drink your water - it makes your whole body feel good!

    I agree with aron Pérez Lugo. The citizen have mandatory responsibilities, such as paying taxes, register for the draft, and duties not demanded by law, such as voting.

    I agree with Krystie Pineiro. The family communication is very important, parents need be curious. Ask questions about their ideas and feelings. Get to know them and their world. Be ready to hear things you may not agree with. Make the time to talk with your teen. Take advantage of everyday opportunities or plan an activity for just the two of you—something as simple as watching a video, having lunch together, or taking a ride or walk in the park.

    Erly Perez

  24. The Globalisation Affect My Country

    For me i took this title to make a exact definition of why his country or my country changes is globalisation .The gobalization is one of the reazon that society changes. The form or the question of why the globalization changes the World its comes for diferrent perspectiv way’s. one of these is the perspectiva of technology in waht matter affect us. we use cellphones , Internet , tv, computers and other stuff that in the past they don’t used . . the other perspective is the rights. today some countrys have more liberty that was in the past like Puerto Rico we have governor , flag and other things , that in the past we don’t have . And the last ones is life it changes for all the people poor and the riches. But , the poor people suffer more the changes and the adaptation . somtimes the other problem with these people is the technology are very expensive or they dont now how it used . However, we see more crimes today not beacause today the people kill more now that is not the conclusión the reazon is we have see news paper , we have tv and Internet and you become aware much faster . otherwise , you never be aware of what happen with your country like in the past. Puerto Rico has a heavy traffic . the peopl continues to buying cars and some cases one family have 3 or 4 cars in one house , the reazon globalization if you life in Puerto Rico you definitive now that you can’t live without a car in the island one because the important places are in the city and the second is the transportation is very poor the taxi are spensive and we don’t have a big bus station , so is obligatory to have a car. All this situation is become a globalization that affect in big my country.

    by Pablo s. Pabón

  25. The influence of violence
    When we refer to media the most controversially discussed topic is violence. It is continuously increasing, and its effects are concerning everybody in the world.
    A few years ago, violence in the media was not as dangerous as nowadays, it used to be less aggressive. However, in our days, we find violent situations when we watch T.V, a film, a video, and even when we read the newspaper.
    The consequence of this is seen on children better than in adults because we assimilate violent scenes in other ways than kids. However, sometimes we reproduce this violence without being conscious of that.
    In conclusion, I think that we should pay more attention to this topic, to be more selective about what we hear, watch or read, and especially about what children do. Violence is not a solution to anything.
    Erly Perez

  26. transportation in P.R. the transportation system and the goverment need to do something about this, is really bad our situation because on a few more years the country its going to be so overpopulated and all this thanks to the people with no vision in to the future. there so many alternative like trains boats buses etc ... solutions is what we need because this country in a few more years is going to look like japan and china ..using the car for them is like a luxury jose espada

  27. the violence in P.R. is increasing so much we really need to pay attention to this topic the kids are the future of our generations if we dont act quick the childrens are the most important thing in our life they are the future lider politics and profesionals of the new era . thats make us responsables for the attitude and the way our kids are acting

  28. that was mine i always forget to put my name on so that last comment was mine jose espas

  29. thats one of the most sad things that im living right now in my family how kids are just start families when theyare actualy kids .
    having a kid is not an easy task but people thing in this day that is fun and a game have a baby and is not like that .a baby is a human is a living person not a doll girls just have a baby and they want party again and again like old times and is not like that anymore jose espada

  30. a baby is a responsability and is not a joke.a law for irresponsables parents sounds good to me and the support of the family is another key to a succesfull couple peace guys jajajajaj jose espada im doing the blog againg so please dont steel my comments or my essay because i forget to put my name on it thanks

  31. Problems and situations in our homes.
    Sometimes we thing that the T.V or letting our kinds to do what ever they want will make everything better, but we are wrong. As parents we have to guide and protect our kids the more that we can, therefor they will confront in life situations of there own to deal with. Also we have to be concern that the parents problems or situations as a couple or with their respective jobs don't affect their children and their relationship.

    Aida F. Perez

  32. I agree with the anonymous person that talk about the responsibility of a child. People giving birth is not a game and a baby is not a toy. Some persons think that the more babies you have the more money the government will gave you to maintain them. Children need a lot of attention, and if you are a children have a children what can you give to them if you don't have nothing. You can find money anywhere, having a part-time job at Burger King or a grocery store but the knowledge to raise one you can't buy it, you have to learn it and to put in practice when the time is right. SO just protect your self and don't bring to this world an undesired baby.

    Aida F.Perez Quiles

  33. Lunch and dinner generally begin with sizzling-hot appetizers such as bacalaitos, crunchy cod fritters; surullitos, sweet plump cornmeal fingers; and empanadillas, crescent-shaped turnovers filled with lobster, crab, conch, or beef.

    Soups are a popular beginning for meals on Puerto Rico. There is a debate about whether one of the best-known soups, frijoles negros (black-bean soup), is Cuban or Puerto Rican in origin. Nevertheless, it is still a savory, if filling, opening to a meal.

    Another classic soup is sopón de pollo con arroz -chicken soup with rice- which manages to taste somewhat different in every restaurant. One traditional method of preparing this soup calls for large pieces of pumpkin and diced potatoes or yautias (the starchy root of a large-leaved tropical plant whose flesh is usually yellow or creamy white).

    The third classic soup is sopón de pescado (fish soup), prepared with the head and tail intact. Again, this soup varies from restaurant to restaurant and may depend on the catch of the day. Traditionally, it is made with garlic and spices plus onions and tomatoes, the flavor enhanced by a tiny dash of vinegar and a half cup of sherry. Galician broth (caldo gallego) is a dish imported from Spain's northwestern province of Galicia. It is prepared with salt pork, white beans, ham, and berzas (collard greens) or grelos (turnip greens), and the whole kettle is flavored with spicy chorizos (Spanish sausages).

    Garbanzos (chickpeas), are often added to give flavor, body, and texture to Puerto Rican soups. One of the most authentic versions of this is sopón de garbanzos con patas de cerdo (chickpea soup with pig's feet). Into this kettle is added a variety of ingredients, including pumpkin, chorizos, salt pork, chile peppers, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, and fresh cilantro leaves.

    Not really a soup, the most traditional Puerto Rican dish is asopao, a hearty gumbo made with either chicken or shellfish. One well-known version, consumed when the food budget runs low, is asopao de gandules (pigeon peas). Every Puerto Rican chef has his or her own recipe for asopao. Asopao de pollo (chicken asopao) takes a whole chicken, which is then flavored with spices such as oregano, garlic, and paprika, along with salt pork, cured ham, green peppers, chile peppers, onions, cilantro, olives, tomatoes, chorizos, and pimientos. For a final touch, green peas or asparagus might be added.

    Josue Ayala Ortiz

  34. The people in Puerto Rico:

    People in Puerto Rico have been changing over the years. To start we can see that people in past society's were more humble, they teach to their children to respect their parents and teachers. Today we can see how many families have fallen under the ravages of this country and every day increases the number of dysfunctional families. Today, teenagers do not respect their parents and do not respect teachers, the public schools is no longer safe and parents are increasingly afraid of leaving their children in schools. The society have become so costly that it is difficult to keep children in private schools, so that force parents to use public schools for their children s learning. Dropping out the studies in the school is growing daily and we see more kids involved in the streets. You may notice that this has become a vicious circle and the government itself is contributing to crime grows up in this days.

    Ásbel M. Torres Cortés

  35. 1-I like the essay of Liliana Moreno Rojas it was pretty good however in the part of the essay when you say that the government have do something about it I think that in this days is really difficult to that happen, if someone has to do something to make a change it should be every one of us.

    2-I read a lot of essay and I have to say that they have been pretty good jobs I especially like the essay of Krystie Pineiro I believe that the communication in the family and others relations is a basic principle so that everything can work in a good way.

    Ásbel M. Torres Cortés

  36. I agree with aaron in the responsability today because that most hard to survive and hardly to get a job and the crime increse more and is to hard to life the things are more expensive to progress in this work must study hard to segure your survive and all person must to care the green nature because the problem with the atmosphere increse every day and tnat is not cool

    Josue Ayala Ortiz

  37. The importance of bed early by Charles M.M is a great informative essay . the part that you said that the experts advise the people to sleep six and nine hours a day to recover the energy better i had read it before . its true when you sleep early you wake up more attentive and more energetic . it is bad when you sleeping late you feel lazy without energy . sometime you can’t do anything great because, you are confuse , you move like a zombie and you slip with anything have in the front . to be a healthy person its not only eat great or do exercise sleep is great too, so i think is a good job to brings us this articule.

    by Pablo s. Pabón

  38. Working class a child's nightmare!

    Being from a working class family is not as easy as people may think. Working class families rarely reunite and have a normal conversation due to the fact that almost always both parents work. This because of all of the responsibilities and little money they receive. Working class families have different reasons why they have to work all the time, but the reason why is almost always the same, they don't make enough money to pay there bills, but they make enough money for the government to decide they don't need any financial help. And why does this happen? Mainly because one or both of the parents either didn't complete a high school diploma or never completed a degree, no college degree and this led to a mediocre job with minimum wadge. This fact sometimes brings the pessimistic idea to a child growing up in a working class home that he will never be able to change this fact that he is doomed to work for the rest of his life barely making ends meat and not be able to successfully get out of that cycle. Yes it's true that people have to work for their money, but working class people are mainly people in debt who are working in a mediocre job and can hardly afford to have a normal lifestyle nowadays. With today's economy how it is there are more people in the working class who are in debt and just does not qualify for help since to the government they are wealthy. The reality is another, a sad one in fact. It's not easy being raised in a working class family where it was rare that even one of your parents were home for dinner. Having to spend the day alone because both your parents work, wanting to spend quality time with them, but dealing with the fact that you couldn't because they just weren't home and when they were, all they wanted to do is rest because of a long day at work. Children develop serious traumas because of this. Although it is hard it's not always bad, because this teaches you the value of education and working hard for your money. But still will there ever be a remedy for this epidemic?

    Sonja M. Fernandez

  39. A)Well I started to read Aaron's essay but I didn't really understand it. The part I did understand was when he says we have today a lot of responsibilities in our lives and I totally agree with that, today we have more and more things to worry about and more and more responsibilities to carry out.

    B)I really liked Lesnir G.'s essay. And I think that what he says also relates to how children grow up in a working class family because if both parents work, the child is the one in charge of himself until his parents come home from work and as a single parent child he too becomes more mature, realistic and independent due to the fact that he is watching how hard his parents work to give him what he needs and keep him under a good roof. So yeah I liked Lesnir G.'s essay a lot.

  40. the comments above posted were posted by Sonja M. Fernandez Cruzado

  41. OK. This is the last one. Prof. Lignelli
